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The global economy relies on technology to keep finances flowing, but new barriers continually complicate how money is stored, moved and put to work.

Unlock executive-driven insights to address the industry’s most pressing challenges with technology.

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Contributing authors
Jason Baldesare , SVP, Enterprise Strategy, FIS
Jason Baldesare SVP, Enterprise Strategy, FIS
Andrew Beatty, SVP, Wealth, Retirement & International, FIS
Andrew BeattySVP, Wealth, Retirement & International, FIS
Peter Boyer, SVP, Enterprise Strategy, FIS
Peter BoyerSVP, Enterprise Strategy, FIS
Andres Choussy, EVP, Group President, Trading and Asset Services, FIS
Andres ChoussyEVP, Group President, Trading and Asset Services, FIS
Chris Como, SVP, Cards & Money Movement, FIS
Chris ComoSVP, Cards & Money Movement, FIS
Melissa Cullen, SVP, Core Banking, FIS
Melissa CullenSVP, Core Banking, FIS
Rick Foresta, SVP, Next Gen Banking, FIS
Rick ForestaSVP, Next Gen Banking, FIS
JP James, EVP, Group President, Treasury & Risk, FIS
JP JamesEVP, Group President, Treasury & Risk, FIS
John Pizzi, VP, Innovation & Strategic Partnerships, FIS
John PizziVP, Innovation & Strategic Partnerships, FIS
Steve Sabin, SVP, Lending, FIS
Steve SabinSVP, Lending, FIS
Seamus Smith, EVP & Group President, Global Automated Finance, FIS
Seamus SmithEVP & Group President, Global Automated Finance, FIS
Harry Stahl, Senior Director, Enterprise Strategy, FIS
Harry StahlSenior Director, Enterprise Strategy, FIS
Hashim Toussaint, SVP, Digital & Open Banking, FIS
Hashim ToussaintSVP, Digital & Open Banking, FIS
Chrissy Wagner, SVP, GTM, Global Automated Finance, FIS
Chrissy WagnerSVP, GTM, Global Automated Finance, FIS
Tony Warren, SVP, Strategic Innovation, FIS
Tony WarrenSVP, Strategic Innovation, FIS

Our technology powers the global economy across the money lifecycle

Money at rest

Unlock seamless integration and human-centric digital experiences while ensuring efficiency, stability, and compliance as your business grows.

Money in motion

Unlock liquidity and flow of funds by synchronizing transactions, payment systems, and financial networks without compromising speed or security.

Money at work

Unlock a cohesive financial ecosystem and insights for strategic decisions to expand operations while optimizing performance.