Control your data operations risk

Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to FIS® Data Integrity Manager.

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Reconciliation strikes back

By updating current reconciliation software, firms will be able to optimize automation and improve performance.

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Don’t be a back seat data driver

Data integrity drivers are redefining reconciliation by raising quality standards and assessing performance.

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Stay true to true data integrity

Reconciliation should be an easy ride, but the road to true data integrity can be longer than you think. Find out if you are on the right track.

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Study – Crédit Agricole Egypt

Learn how data management services from FIS are helping Crédit Agricole Egypt innovate and stand out.

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Simple, smart, reliable

Whether you’re in banking, insurance or capital markets, Data Integrity Manager helps redefine reconciliation.

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Reconciliation reinvented

Data Integrity Manager (Formerly Intellimatch)

Harness automation and AI to optimize efficiency. Track your reconciliation inventory, define and demonstrate control and employ machine learning to accelerate reconciliation tasks.

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Speed and accuracy

Corporate Actions Suite (Formerly XSP)

Our automated suite is efficient, improves risk control and ensures data accuracy. It automates the corporate actions process from end to end and eliminates time-consuming manual processes.

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Educational series

Ready to embrace all that embedded finance has to offer?

Take your first steps in adopting embedded finance by exploring our Simply Fintech educational series, where you’ll learn all the basics.

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