FIS® Investment Risk Manager is an investment risk management solution for buy-side firms. It supports a diverse set of investment strategies and regulatory regimes, including pre-trade analysis, forward-looking stress tests for exposure to new and prevailing market risk factors, risk attribution, risk analysis, risk monitoring and risk reporting.

Investment Risk Manager leverages a multi-asset class factor model and is available deployed, cloud-hosted or through our risk as a service (RaaS) model.

How FIS empowers investment risk management

Integrate cross-asset trading, portfolio management and investment risk for a complete view of risk

Support multi-asset class strategies

Manage risk across equities, rates, credit, derivatives and liquid assets with our multifactor framework

Optimize your portfolio

Run complex risk analytics, from what-if analysis to advanced stress testing and scenario analysis

Interactive dashboards

Get insights across your portfolio with multiple views from one risk reporting solution

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