Trading University

Certification: AEF Base

This is our main certification program for the ARENA Extension Framework (AEF). Already registered for the program? Go straight to the learning plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can become certified?

Certification is available to Front Arena clients and authorised partners.

You need a Kbase login in order to access all resources required for learning and certification. Access to Kbase is free of charge for Front Arena clients and partners.

Why should I become certified?

Certification in AEF Base is required for those who wish to get support from the Client Experience team in connection with AEF Base tools and technologies.

How do I become certified?

The route to certification first involves attending a series of training courses as shown in the learning plan. The courses cover the specific tools and technologies of AEF, such as Python AEL, ACM and ADFL. You also must do self-studies in ASQL.

In addition to courses, online assessments must be completed. In these assessments, you will be required to demonstrate practical skills acquired during your AEF Base training.

You become AEF Base certified by passing all assessments shown in the learning plan.

How do the assessments work?

Assessments are carried out using the Certification and Assessment Tool (CAT).

You will also need access to a test installation of Front Arena.

Assessments for AEF Base certification are controlled tests. This means that you will agree to a start date for each test in advance with Trading University.

How much does it cost?

Registration for the AEF Base certification program costs €680 or US$760. Your employer will be invoiced for the certification fees.

Normal course fees are applicable for courses that you attend during your AEF Base training.

How do I register for the program?

Please contact us here. Specify the certification for which you would like to register.

Trading University will contact you about your registration and to discuss any courses you may need to attend during the program.

You must be a Front Arena community member in order to register for our certification programs. Membership is open to Front Arena clients and service partners. If you are not already a member, please apply for membership here.

How do I get more information?

If you want to find out more about AEF Base certification, please contact us here.